No More “Death by PowerPoint”
Having suffered through more than my fair share of painful investigator meetings and site training programs, I’ve been reflecting on what makes an ideal study start-up or investigator meeting. Strategic and successful meetings go beyond boring the audience with bullet-point saturated PowerPoint slides and encompass the following best practices:
- The training focuses on addressing the site’s core training needs (identified up-front through needs assessments)
- Specific, behavioral learning objectives drive the content and knowledge validation assessments, not a “canned” agenda template
- Recognize that training is a continuum and allows for more than a one-time training event only
- Prioritize the “must have topics” for what the site immediately needs to get started and provides alternative training timed to when the site’s need the information
- The “What” to do in the protocol is aligned with the “Why” to put things into the appropriate context to secure site buy-in as well as understanding
- The flow of information is logical and taught through the most effective format applying core principles of adult learning theory
- Recognize that “telling ain’t training” and incorporate protocol simulation activities to transfer the protocol into practice
- Leverage face-to-face sessions for strategic relationship building and applied learning that can’t be effectively taught through other formats
- Face-to-face meetings are conducted in an environment that is conducive to learning and maximizes peer-to-peer interactions / shared learning (e.g., strategic seating chart mixing sites of different experiences as well as sites intermingled with study team members)
- Incorporate interactive training designed to appeal to adult learners. For a listing of 101 interactive training techniques, check out the following:
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